Subject: Story: Swinging in the Park
From: SamPast <>
Date: 1999/09/01

Sneaking Around School


Sneaking Around School -- a twin story (M/ff) Copyright (c) 1999 by Sampast and Don A. Landhill

(This story contains the spankings of two young children. If this is not your thing, then go away and don't read. The authors in no way advocate the spanking of young children in real life.)

It was the middle of the school year. Jennifer and Robin were in first grade. Lisa and Charlie had gotten married the past summer and the girls were settling down in their lives, getting used to having a mommy. They loved it. They liked school and first grade, except that they were not in the same class. Their school did not believe in keeping twins together.

The principal of the school also happened to be their new uncle, Uncle Jack. His wife, Joan, was Lisa's sister. But they were not allowed to tell anyone that they were related to the principal. The family thought it was better this way.

One day, Robin and Jennifer were playing outside at recess. They saw their uncle from across the playground. They waved and he waved back.

Jenn turned to Robin and said, "Hey, sis, you ever wonder what Uncle Jack does after school when all the teachers and kids have gone home?"

Robin thought about it. "Gee, I don't know, Jennifer. It must be pretty boring with no one here. I wish we could see for sure, though."

Jenn turned to Robin. "Why can't we?"

Robin looked at her sister. She knew that look. "Why can't we, what? Oh, no, Jennifer, not one of your ideas. They always get us in trouble."

Robin started to walk away. Jennifer ran to catch up. "No, Robin, wait. This one won't. Listen."

Robin stopped and listened to her sister. "We can stick around after school and see what Uncle Jack does. Then we'll know for sure. We won't get into trouble. No one will know."

"Hmmm," Robin thinks about it. "It does sound like a good idea, Jenn." Robin would hate to admit it, but Jennifer really did have some grand ideas. She wanted to do it, but something was nagging at her.

"Come on, Robin, you know you want to," Jenn pleaded.

"Yeah, you're right, I do. Okay, let's do it. When? And how?" Robin asked.

The two girls sat down to plot their adventure.

That day, after school, they met in the hallway outside their classrooms. "Did you have any trouble getting away from your teacher, Robin?" Jennifer asked.

Robin shook her head. "No, she's got so many kids, she didn't even notice that I walked away. How about you?"

Jenn laughed. "I told her I saw my mom and ran off and she just laughed and said, okay, goodbye Jennifer."

Robin laughed along with her sister. She loved when they got along. Maybe that was why she agreed to do this thing with Jennifer.

"Come on, Robin, let's go find Uncle Jack."

Robin stopped Jennifer. "Wait. Maybe we should wait until we're sure no one is around. Let's walk around a little first."

Jenn smiled. "Okay, Robin, we can pretend we're spies. We can check the halls and make sure no one is lurking around."

"What's lurking mean, Jenn?" Robin asked.

"You know, like hanging out, watching us."

"Oh, okay, let's do that. Let's go down by the small gym. I always wanted to know what else is down there," Robin suggested.

"Yeah, okay."

Jenn stopped as she saw the custodian coming towards them. Jenn grabbed Robin and pulled her into the small gym. "Whoa! That was close."

"Do you think he saw us, Jenn?"

"No. Come on, let's hang out in here for a few minutes."

"Okay, but it's really dark. You know I don't like the dark, Jennifer," Robin said.

"I'm sure I could find the switch. Let me look." Jenn slid her hand along the wall of the gym until a loud noise sounded. Both girls jumped.

"Wh-what was that?" Robin whispered.

Jennifer looked around. "I'm not sure." She flipped the switch again and then another switch. The room swarmed with light.

"Oh, thank goodness," Robin stated.

The two girls looked around to see what was making that loud noise. Jenn breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, sis, it's just the basketball backboards. See? They're moving. Watch." Jenn flipped the first switch again, and Robin watched the basketball backboards come sliding down into their playing position.

Robin sighed and giggled. "Oh, okay. I thought it was a big scary monster out to get us."

Both girls giggled. Then Jenn said, "You know, that made a lot of noise. I'll bet that custodian is going to come looking for us. We better get out of here."

"Yeah, you're right. Besides, we're supposed to be seeing what Uncle Jack is up to," Robin reminded her sister.

"Right, let's go." The two girls crept out of the small gym. They were walking down the hall, when they heard footsteps. This time it was Robin who grabbed Jennifer and pulled her into a stairwell.

"Let's go up these stairs. I'm sure they take us to the main office. Then we can check on Uncle Jack," Robin suggested.

Jenn agreed. Before they went, though, the girls watched as the custodian headed into the small gym.

Jenn sighed. "Gee, that was a close one!"

Meanwhile, outside, Lisa was still frantically looking for the twins. She saw Jennifer's teacher. "Mrs. Kaplan?"

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Clemente, how nice to see you. Can I help you with something?" The teacher looked around. "Where's Jennifer?"

Lisa put her hands on her hips. "That's what I'd like to know. Where is she?"

Mrs. Kaplan lost her smile. She had been teaching for twenty-five years and had never once lost a student. "Well, I don't know, Mrs. Clemente, my guess is that she was picked up, if she's not still standing here. All my students have been picked up. I'm just waiting for a ride."

"Well, she hasn't been picked up, Mrs. Kaplan, because I haven't been able to find her, or her sister, Robin. Are you sure you don't know where she is?" Lisa asked the older woman.

Mrs. Kaplan looked at her watch. "My dear, it's 3:30. School ended half an hour ago. I seem to recall Jennifer yelling out that she saw you. To tell the truth, I didn't see you. But my, Jennifer has never done anything like this before, has she?"

Lisa shook her head. "No, she hasn't. And Robin is missing, too. Where can those girls be? Do you think I could look in the school?"

Mrs. Kaplan looked at her watch. "Well, I'm sorry, Mrs. Clemente, but there's no one there."

"Perhaps Mr. Levine, the principal could help me? He's a nice man," Lisa said, with a smile, thinking about her brother in law.

"Well, I'm sure he would love to help you, but I'm afraid he isn't around this afternoon. I know for a fact that he left around noon to go to a meeting at the district office. I doubt he'll be returning at all," Mrs. Kaplan explained.

Lisa looked as though she were about to cry. Mrs. Kaplan felt sorry for the young mother.

"Are you sure they didn't have plans to go off with a friend today, Mrs. Clemente?" she asked, kindly.

Lisa shook her head. "No, they didn't have permission, but I suppose it's possible that that's what they did."

Just then, a car pulled up to the school. Mrs. Kaplan looked at the car and then at Lisa. "Oh, my, there's my ride. Will you be all right, Mrs. Clemente?"

Lisa shook her head yes. "I'm all right. I'll just call my husband."

Mrs. Kaplan hesitated before getting into the car. She felt bad about leaving this worried, young mother. And she also felt responsible. After all, it was one of her own students who was missing.

Lisa saw the teacher hesitate. "It's all right. You go, Mrs. Kaplan. I'm sure they'll turn up."

At least Lisa hoped so. She scurried across the street to the deli where there was a phone booth. She put the quarter in and dialed Foodtown. She asked to speak to Charlie Clemente, who was the manager there.

When Charlie picked up and realized it was Lisa, he immediately became alarmed. Her voice sounded funny. "Hon? What is it?"

"Oh, Charlie! I'm at the deli, across from the school. I came to pick the twins up, but they weren't on their lines at dismissal. I've been running around looking for them and I can't find them anywhere."

Lisa was completely hysterical and her words were running all together. Charlie said, "Whoa! Lisa, stop a minute. Calm down."

Lisa stopped talking and breathed slowly. "Okay, okay, it's just that I'm upset. I've been looking for them for half an hour. I saw Jennifer's teacher but she didn't know either, and Jack is gone."

Charlie sighed. "Well, what did Mrs. Kaplan say, hon? Didn't she see Jennifer leave?"

Lisa explained to Charlie what the teacher had told her.

"I see, well, I suppose it's possible that they went home with friends," Charlie said.

"But they wouldn't do that without checking with me first, would they, Charlie?" Lisa asked.

Charlie thought that must be a trick question. He knew the girls knew it was wrong to go anywhere without permission, but they had been known to do it before.

"Well, they aren't supposed to, and they've been spanked for it. I guess they will be again," Charlie said sadly. "Okay, hon, I'm going to find someone to cover me, and I'll meet you there at the deli. Just stay put."

Lisa hung up the phone and waited for Charlie. This mothering business was all new to her. And those girls were quite the handful. They were constantly in trouble for one thing or another. Lisa didn't know any other kids who were spanked as often as Robin and Jennifer. She thought about herself and her sister growing up. Even she and Joan did not get into that much trouble.

Lisa sat on a bench, watching the school. She kept hoping Robin and Jennifer would just show up. She hoped nothing terrible had happened to them. She stared at the school, but all was dark. There was no sign of the twins.

Charlie arrived at the deli and gave Lisa a quick hug and a kiss. Lisa was so relieved to see him; he would know what to do.

"I thought of some names we could try," he said. They each went to a different phone booth and called several of the twins' friends. No one had seen them.

Lisa was ready to give up. "Oh, hon, do you think we should call the police?" she asked.

"Not yet, let me try calling Jack." Charlie dialed his brother in law's number at home. Jack picked up the phone on the first ring. After the usual pleasantries, Charlie explained the situation to Jack. He agreed to call the custodian and ask him to search the school.

Charlie hung up the phone. "Now we just wait. I gave Jack this number." Charlie pointed to the pay phone.

Lisa leaned into Charlie. He put his big, strong arms around his young wife, protectively.

"Don't worry, hon, they'll show up. I'm sure they're fine."

Charlie was worried, too, but he did not want Lisa to know. Charlie was thinking that he was going to kill those girls if it turned out they had just wandered off.

Just then, the telephone rang. Both Charlie and Lisa jumped. Charlie answered and talked into the phone. He put it down and took Lisa's arm. "Come on, the custodian is going to let us look in the school."

Charlie and Lisa followed the custodian into the main lobby. He said, "I don't know where your girls are, but someone turned on some machinery in the gym and no one was supposed to."

They all went into the small gym. Lisa bent down and picked up a small toy. "They were definitely here, hon," she said. "Look, it's the keychain that hangs from Robin's bookbag."

Charlie nodded. He looked around. "Well, there's no one here now. Where can those two girls be?"

The custodian said, "Well, if they were the ones who turned on this stuff, then maybe they're still around somewhere."

Charlie said, "Yes, I'm sure they are. May we continue to look around?"

The custodian nodded. "Let's try the main level. There's nothing else down here."

Lisa and Charlie followed the custodian to the first floor. As they were nearing the main office, they heard sharp cries coming from behind a closet. "HELP! HELP!"

The custodian pulled open a storage closet, and there amidst the brooms and mops, were the twins. The girls came tumbling out of the closet and fell at their daddy's feet.

Robin looked up. Her daddy looked taller than usual. "Uh, hi, Daddy, what are you doing here?"

Charlie looked down at the twins. He was relieved that they were all right, but he was absolutely furious with them, too.

"We were looking for you two. But more importantly, what are you doing here?" Charlie said, sternly.

Robin and Jennifer knew they were in big trouble. They could tell their daddy was angry and he was trying not to lose it right then and there.

Lisa said, "Thank god you're all right. You scared me half to death!"

"I'm sorry, Mommy!" Robin said, timidly.

"Me, too!" Jenn piped in.

Charlie just looked at them. "Well, you will be when I get through with you."

The custodian stood off to the side, watching this little family drama. He cleared his throat. "Um, sir, now that you've found them and they seem to be all right, do you mind dealing with them at home? I need to lock up here."

"Yes, of course. Thank you for your help!" Charlie said as he shook the custodian's hand.

Charlie ushered Robin and Jennifer outside ahead of him. "You two go with Mommy. I will meet you at home."

The twins watched their daddy cross the street and get into his truck. They slowly walked with Lisa to her car. Lisa buckled them in and drove the short distance home to their apartment.

No one said anything until they got to the apartment door. "I don't know what you girls were doing. But don't you ever do that again. I was so worried when I didn't see you lined up with the other children."

"Yes, Mommy," Robin muttered.

"Yes, ma'am," Jenn echoed.

Jennifer stood holding her hands in front of her pants. "Oh, Jennifer, did you wet yourself, young lady?"

Jenn started to cry. "Yes, Mommy, I'm sorry."

Just then, Charlie came in. He took one look at Jenn and realized what she had done. "You need to go clean up, baby?"

The tears continued to fall. "Yes, Daddy."

Charlie sighed. He nodded to Lisa. "Okay, when you two are finished, you can join Robin and me in the den." He looked down at Robin. "Let's go!'

Robin followed her daddy slowly to the den. She was not looking forward to the chat they were going to have there.

Charlie sat down on the sofa and sat Robin down, too. "You girls had better have a good explanation for what you did today."

Lisa and Jennifer joined them then. Jennifer took a seat next to Robin.

Charlie and Lisa just stared at the two girls. "Well? Tell us what you did today and why. And I mean right now!" Charlie's voice bellowed.

Robin said, "Well, Daddy, we, uh, we wanted to see what Uncle Jack did after school. I mean, if he's the principal, we didn't understand what he did when there were no teachers or kids around."

"Yeah, so we stayed to check it out," Jenn added.

Charlie said, " I see, so you snuck off to spy on Uncle Jack, is that right? What about turning on the machinery in the gym? And how did you get into that closet, anyhow?"

The questions were coming too fast for the twins. Robin started to cry immediately. Jennifer didn't know what to do.

Then Jennifer spoke up. "We were just checking stuff out, Daddy; we didn't mean to get into any trouble."

Robin sobbed, "And we weren't spying, Daddy."

"Well, you were trying to get into Uncle Jack's private office to look at him without permission, weren't you?"

"Um, yes, I guess so," Jenn said.

Robin nodded. "Yes, Daddy."

Charlie continued, "And you know that you aren't supposed to wander around the school, nor to turn things on or off without permission, don't you?"

"I guess so, Daddy," Robin replied.

Jenn said, "Maybe." Neither of them wanted to admit to any wrongdoing.

"Well, when I get done with you two, you will know it for sure. You each have a spanking coming," Charlie said sternly.

Jennifer exclaimed, "OH, No, Daddy, pleeeease!"

"Don't tell me no, Jennifer, you can be first. Robin, go to your room and wait for me, with your nose in the corner."

Robin hadn't heard her daddy this angry in a long time. She looked at Lisa, who nodded her head. Robin said, "Yes, Daddy."

Lisa followed Robin out of the den, leaving Jennifer alone with Charlie. She looked at her daddy expectantly.

"I'm sorry, Daddy."

"Not as sorry as you will be."

Charlie sat down, lowered Jenn's pants and panties, and took her over his lap.

Jennifer cringed. "Please, Daddy!"

Charlie regarded his daughter. "You have earned this one fair, and square, Jennifer, and you are going to get it." Charlie began the spanking. {Smack}{Smack}{Smack}{Smack}{Smack}{Smack}

"Ow, yes, Daddddddy!" Jenn cried.

Charlie began his lecture, as well. {Smack} You will not {Smack} run off {Smack} without permission. {Smack}{Smack} You will {Smack} line up {Smack} for Mommy {Smack} after school, {Smack} like a good girl. {Smack}

"Yes, Daddy, I will, I promise."

Charlie continued, "You are not {Smack} to hide in the school. {Smack}

"OW, yes, Daddy, okay, I won't do it again."

{Smack} You worried your mother {Smack} and me {Smack} terribly. {Smack} Suppose something bad {Smack} had happened to you?" {Smack}

Jenn was crying furiously. "I don't know, Daddy." Jenn realized what she said a little too late. She knew her daddy did not like to hear 'I don't know'. "I mean, I'm sorrrry, Daddddddy."

{Smack}{Smack}{Smack}{Smack} "All right your spanking is over, Jennifer."

Charlie stood Jennifer up. She rubbed her bottom and danced all around. Charlie pulled her close to him and gave her a big hug. She sobbed into his chest.

"I'm sorrry, Daddy. And Daddy? I'm sorry I wet my pants. I didn't have to go until we were in the closet, and we couldn't get out. We tried."

Charlie said, "Well you should let that be a lesson not to get into strange places like that. But I will consider this a real accident and so there will be no punishment for that."

"Okay, thank you, Daddy." Jenn cried into Charlie's chest for a few more minutes.

Finally, he set her down on her feet. "I think you need to go take a nap until dinner time, baby."

"Yes, Daddy. Daddy, I love you."

Charlie smiled. "I love you, too, baby. Send Robin in, please. Okay?"

Jenn nodded. Soon, Jenn was lying on her bed, and Robin was standing before Charlie. He wasn't as angry as he had been before he spanked Jennifer, but he was still upset at having to do this again.

Robin stood looking up at Charlie. "Daddy, pleeease, I'm sorrry!"

"Do you understand what you did that was wrong, Robin?"

Robin sniffled. "Yes, Daddy, we shouldn't have sneaked around the school when it was closed. I'm sorry, Daddy, we didn't mean to worry you and Mommy." Robin reached out and hugged her daddy. "Please don't spank me, Daddy."

Charlie shook his head. "Don't try it. Robin, you acted naughty. I am glad you are sorry, but you know that that is never enough, not afterwards. I spanked Jenn and I am going to spank you. Now let's go."

Robin was scared. Charlie reassured her that this was just one of many spankings she has had or will have in the future and there was nothing to be afraid of.

Charlie lowered Robin's pants and panties and lifted her over his lap. He started the spanking right away. {Smack}{Smack}{Smack}{Smack}

Robin said, "OW!" after the first spank. She tried to put her hand back to stop her daddy's blows.

{Smack}{Smack}{Smack} Charlie took her hand and held it out of the way. He did not miss a beat. The spanking continued as well as the lecture. It went very much the same way as Jennifer's had. When Robin's bottom was pretty red and she was crying, Charlie decided she had had enough and stopped the spanking.

He let her up and let her do the all out very well spanked little girl's dance. Then he pulled her to his chest and held her tight. Robin breathed in her daddy's smell and cried into his chest.

After awhile, she said, "Daddy? Are you very angry?"

"No, but I was quite upset, and before that I was worried, and your mommy was VERY worried. I want you to apologize to her later. But I still love you and I always will, no matter what. Both you and Jenn."

"Yes, Daddy. I love you, too, and I'm sorry we worried you."

"That's my girl. Now why don't you lie down for a while, as Jennifer is doing?" Charlie suggested.

"Yes, Daddy," Robin agreed.

Later on, Robin and Jennifer both apologized to Lisa. They all talked about it several more times. But for the most part, the subject was dropped. Charlie knew there would be other spankings for other misbehaviors, but for now, this one was all done.

The end